Network Marketing Tips - How To Get Back On Track After a Dismal Month End
In this episode, I share three tips to help you overcome a month-end that left you feeling frustrated and stressed out.
Challenges, frustrations and problems in business are normal. The key lyes in how you handle them. That's right. You have the power.
Ever wonder how some leaders pick themselves up faster than others and move swiftly into a new month? Today, I share my top three tips to help you move onward and upward and serve your calling with excellence exactly the way God intended you to.
FIRST replace “performing” with excellence.
We don’t need to perform for our company, our leaders, our accountability partners or our team. Performing for accolades, applause or flattery is exhausting and isn’t sustainable long term.
For those that have a goal of legacy type income and freedom, FOCUS on doing your INCOME PRODUCING tasks with excellence and to the best of your ability. Improve your skillset month over month. This is a sustainable FOCUS and WILL PRODUCE positive results as well as foster a culture of EXCELLENCE rather than PERFORMANCE. Encourage yourself, your leaders and your team to do the same and watch your culture shift from pride and stress to humility and collaboration.
SECOND say GOODBYE to perfectionism.
PERFECTIONISM is pointless because it isn’t attainable and it is a total confidence killer. FOCUS on being teachable and becoming better than you were yesterday. Encourage your leaders and team to do the same. REPLACE the phrase practice makes perfect with PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS.
THIRD replace personal DRIVE with personal DILIGENCE.
Steadfast diligence, steady, consistent action that focuses on progress rather than an outcome takes "striving" our of the equation . Diligence encourages a culture of excellence. Encourage your leaders and team to finish their race strong at a wise pace that makes sense for their mission, values and goals.
Give your daily, weekly and monthly schedule and tasks the approval to breathe. Take time to see what is right in front of you, take time to breathe life into the people God has entrusted to your leadership and above all REMEMBER you are working for an audience of ONE!
Each week I go live on my Facebook Page to dig deeper, so make sure we’re connected.
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Question of the week: What is your "go to" scripture after missing a goal?
Question of the week:
What is your "go to" scripture after missing a goal?
I’d love to know so please join the conversation below!