My Network Marketing Daily Schedule To Make a Professional Income
So you started a network marketing business, now what?
Today, I share my network marketing daily schedule to help you get things done that build a paycheck and build a professional income FAST.
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Maybe even a little confused with where to best spend your time when it comes to building your business?
A little like, there’s so many things I could be doing but what are the most important things”
Yep…I totally get it.
If you’re like me, you’re super busy and trying to figure out how to fit fit your network marketing business into you’re already busy life.
Toss your stress aside because what you’re dreaming of building is totally doable.
The key to success in network marketing, isn’t about having MORE hours in a day, it’s about using your time right.
This past weekend, one of my mentors said, you always have time to do what you put first. So, let’s do that. Make your business a priority and then let’s make sure you take action on what matters, okay?
In network marketing, it’s all about doing the RIGHT activities!
And the best way to do this is to have a daily method of operation that you commit to and follow consistently.
In my latest video, I share my exact Method of Operation and the best part is, you can copy it!
Why do you need a network marketing daily schedule?
To stay on track and to help you FOCUS.
The reality is we all have the same amount of time in a day, the difference is how we use our time and if you will commit to a consistent schedule that is focused on the activities that build an income for ONE YEAR, you’ll be amazed at the outcome.
I experienced this while I was working my corporate job AND I was still able to build a successful network marketing business despite of the high stress culture and maxed out schedule.
I was working an outrageous amount of hours, but becoming a MOM changed my tolerance. I was DESPERATE for TIME FREEDOM so I had to figure out a way to build my business around my already crazy busy schedule.
Now…my network marketing DMO (daily method of operation) has changed over the years because of TIME FREEDOM.
In the video, I break down what I do today but I’m also going to share what I did back then when I was working my high demanding job.
Your network marketing schedule when you’re working a FULL TIME JOB and/or life crazy busy
It’s hard to build a network marketing job when you work FULL TIME but hard doesn’t mean impossible, it just means hard.
It’s going to take a commitment and FOCUS. Remember, anything is doable for a window of time. The sacrifices you make now, will PAY OFF big time.
So how did I do it?
First, I did a time audit to find out where I had “negotiable” time. Yes, I said negotiable. We all have non-negotiables and negotiables when it comes to time. My negotiable time was pretty limited but it was enough. I had a small 5 minute pocket to and from work, a lunch hour and a window after I put my daughter to bed.
Then, I maximized those pockets.
During my lunch break, I worked. I made calls, took lunch meetings and made new friends.
I organized myself the night before so I knew who I was going to call during my commute and during my lunch break. I kept a super tight calendar and squeezed in as many calls as humanly possible during my windows.
I also gave up TV. Now some of you might be thinking, NO WAY could I ever do that. And guess what? I get it because that is exactly what I thought. But at the end of the day, watching TV wasn’t getting me any closer to a life of TIME FREEDOM so I made a choice and it was a really good decision.
For NETWORK MARKETING to work, you have to FIND TIME and MAKE NO EXCUSES. Remember, I said one year of consistency and you’ll one amazed.
Network Marketing Daily Schedule – In closing
Adding more to an already FULL PLATE feels impossible and even counter-intuitive.
But remember, it’s temporary and anything is doable for a season. The sacrifice that you’re choosing to make now, will allow you to live a life of freedom.
It will be hard but I promise, it will be SO WORTH IT.
Fight for your DREAMS. I believe in you!
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Question of the week: What is the number one thing holding you back from becoming your own boss?
Question of the week
What’s your daily schedule? If you love it and it’s working well, share in the comments!