… you’re network marketing business will suffer.
Think of it like this, if you don’t know where you’re going, how will you get there? Or worse yet, what if you get there and it’s the wrong place with the wrong people?
That’s what happened to me. I started my business to get out of the dog eat dog of corporate America and guess what I did? I built what I knew, which was corporate America. My culture was off, my leadership was a mess which meant my team was suffering. That isn’t what I wanted or what I set out to build but it sure is what I did. I jumped in and started running without thinking about where I was going or what I was doing. Talk about a bummer. Action is great and you need to take action to build a business but taking the wrong action cost me A LOT of time and effort that I could have avoided if I would have simply done some upfront planning and strategy to gain clarity.
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